Monday 20 June 2011

World tour highlights - bits 'n' bobs

Most frequently asked question since our arrival home: ''Wot was the best bit?'' Straightforward enough on the surface - but just about the most difficult to answer. There were so many highs that we just can't pick one, and so few lows they hardly warrant a mention.
The best we can do is to try to choose our top highlights from a closet jam-packed with memories which will stay with us for the rest of our lives.
Below we have cherry-picked some of our favourite experiences from our nine-month trip around the globe.

Where we ventured
Canada - happy days and evenings spent in stunning Vancouver, where the mountains meet the sea.
USA - ultimate road trip down the Oregan Coast deep into the heartland of the South West - New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Utah - where, unlike Thelma and Louise, we took our foot off the gas near canyon's edge.
Fiji - land of smiles, happy people and coral reefs of brilliant hues set in turquoise seas.
New Zealand - campervan fun on South and North Islands, stupendous scenery and clear starlit nights under southern skies.
Australia - exploring the great outdoors - tropical Queensland, mystical Ayers Rock, the wild Shipwreck Coast of the South and the some of the world loveliest beaches in WA.
Singapore - gentle introduction to the exotic Far East and our first taste of delicious and aromatic street food. Yum.
Thailand - chaotic and sprawling Bangkok, island-hopping on the Andaman Sea, World War II heartbreak at the Bridge Over The River Kwai, pagodas and ancient temples.
Cambodia - from the horrors of the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek and atrocities of Pol Pot to the wonders and magic of the ancient temples of Angkor.
Vietnam - motorbike madness in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, rural delights in Hoi An, trekking with tribe folk in Sapa near China's border and the peace and solitude of gorgeous Phu Quoc Island.

Old and new friends - and thanks for memories, hospitality and kindness
Canada - Malcolm, Anita, Sophie and Laura in Deep Cove, North Vancouver; Brett and Lyn in Whistler.
USA - David, Gill, Jamie and Alex in Phoenix; John and Susan in Tuscon.
Fiji - John and Marilyn at their Levuka Homestay.
New Zealand - our old but trusty campervan which took us to all points north, south, east and west.
Australia - Adele, Darren and family in Sydney; Peter and Susan and family, Mal and Leslie in Ballarat; Geoff and Angela in Sanctuary Cove; James, Chris, Kate and Frazer in Brisbane; Ed and Tranda and children in Perth, WA.

Our top wow factor moments (just too many to mention. Please see older blogs)
Canada - cable car ride between peaks of Whistler and Blackcombe mountains.
USA - sunrise and sunset at the Grand Canyon.
Fiji - breakfast at Levuka Homestay. An event in itself.
New Zealand - clapping eyes on snow-capped Mount Cook for the first time.
Australia - snorkelling on The Great Barrier Reef.
Singapore - Guinness and Singpaore Slings at The Raffles Hotel.
Thailand - looking out over Bangkok at night from the 58th floor of the Sirocco Sky Bar.
Cambodia - jaw-dropping Khmer architecture at Angkor Wat temple.
Vietnam - the beautiful limestone karst islands of Halong Bay on the South China Sea.

Hot spots
Best beach - Simply sublime Bunker Bay, Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia.
Top mountain - Majestic and mysterious Mt Shasta, USA.
Scenic road trip - Wild and elemental Great Ocean Road, South Australia.
Weirdest road trip - Prison fortresses and lunar landscapes between Nevada and Salt Lake City.
Loveliest lake -
Ice blue gorgeousness of Lake Pukaki, South Island, New Zealand.
Super snorkelling - In amongst Fiji's wondrous pink and deep blue coral reefs.
Brilliant trek - From forests to wild capes in Oregon.
Great beer - Bia Hoi (Fresh beer) 15p a glass on the street corners of Hanoi, Vietnam.
Fab food - Sizzling, spicy and aromatic street dishes in Thailand and eating fish 'n' chips from a newspaper sitting in our car watching the sun go down over the sea at Port Fairy, Australia.
Chickening out - Watching others bungy jump over the Waikato River at Lake Taupo, NZ.
Thrill-seekers - Chris: Tobogganing down giant sand dunes at Ninety Mile Beach, North Island, NZ. John: Jet-boating down the Waiau Gorge near Hanmer Springs, South Island, NZ.
Walk on the wild side - Windswept and rugged Ocean Beach at Denmark, South Australia.
Magical forest - stepping out among and gazing up at the giant Kauri trees along NZ's North Island west coast.
Biggest laugh out loud moments: Chris disappears from view and down ditch while directing John reversing campervan at Lake Taupo site in NZ. John ends up on his back dead ant-style while trying to clamber on to back of Easy Rider motorbike in Dalat, Vietnam.
Greatest disappointment: Not being able to travel to St George to see Chris's aunt, Margaret, and husband Tom because of Queensland's devastating floods.
Hairiest moment: John getting stung by unidentified creature in the tropical forests surrounding Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Scariest moment: Watching Brisbane going underwater Atlantis-style as floods wreak havoc.
Heartbreaking moment: Inland tsunami claiming lives and wrecking homes and livelihoods at Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley, Queensland.
Wonderful wildlife: Koala bears playing in the eucalyptus trees opposite our verandha at Lorne, South Australia, whale-watching in the Pacific Ocean at Kaikoura, NZ, catching glimpse of giant stingray at Bunker Bay, WA and getting up close and personal with wild dolphins at Bunbury, WA.
True romance: Wedding anniversary at Cannon Beach, Oregon Coast.
Jaw-dropping view: Crater Lake for that ultimate Kodak blue camera shot.
River adventure: From Saigon towards the Delta along the mighty Mekong.
Sleepless night(s): Night train to Sapa (from Hanoi). Night train to Hanoi (from Sapa).
Sheer luxury: On the Chinese-style junk boat Valentine, Halong Bay, Vietnam.
Top winery: Sampling the sav blanc at Cloudy Bay, New Zealand.
Warmest sea: Gulf of Thailand off Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. Bliss.
Coldest sea: South China Sea off Halong Bay, Vietnam. Brrr.
Sunrise: Grand Canyon, USA.
Sunset: Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam.
Dawn breaking: Sharing boat with fellow travellers Polly and Sam to watch Vietnamese fishermen cast their nets on the river at Hoi An.
Top temple: The Indiana Jones-style Ta Prohm at Angkor, Cambodia.
Best Buddha: The Giant Reclining one at Wat Po, Bangkok.
Hot in the city: Melting in 46C at Adelaide. Time for cold ones in air-con bars.
Most stunning city: Sydney for its iconic harbour setting.
Sporting life: Watching Roger Federer make short work of his opponent in the first round of the Australian Tennis Open, Melbourne.
Party atmosphere: Joining Sydneysiders for New Year's Eve fireworks at the iconic Harbour Bridge and Opera House.
Most uncomfortable moment: Unwelcome 'baggage handlers' hassling us for money at Hanoi Station.
Grottiest experience: Hanoi Station's filthy toilets and, worse, being asked to pay to use them.
Desert island paradise: Swimming and snorkelling off the teardrop-shaped Caqali Island, Fiji.
Top view from above: Flying over the South Pacific Sea into Levuka, Fiji, on eight-seater plane.
Top view from below: Chris snorkelling alongisde gaint turtle on The Great Barrier Reef.
Up close and personal: Bonding with the gentle giants at The Elephant Nature Park, Northern Thailand.
Most humbling moment: Meeting Bou Meng, one of only seven to survive the horrors of the Khmer Rouge S-21 prison at Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Sheer magic: Taking off for nine months for a life-changing experience.

. . . and we could go on and on and on . . . but we'll call it a day. Why are you still reading this blog? Have you nothing better to do with your time? What is your boredom threshold?

Seriously folks, thanks to one and all who have taken the time and trouble to follow Walters On Tour, to those who have helped make it possible, to family and friends who have supported us, those who have put us up and put up with us, friends who have given us invaluable advice and guidance, and to each and every one who has enabled us to make our world travel dream come true. Magic.

Our Walters On Tour blog is dedicated to our two gorgeous daughters, HANNAH and EMMA, and Chris's mum, PAULINE.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Home Sweet Home - and Wembley-bound

We could not have timed our arrival home better - the Swans are at Wembley in the Championship play-off final against Reading..... and there's another surprise awaiting us - two tickets for the match.

Having spent the final five days of our world tour back in Thailand's chaotic capital Bangkok - a city we grew to like and appreciate the more we became accustomed to it - it's time to board that big bird in the sky for a 12-hour night flight back to Blighty.

We arrive, hopefully not looking too dishevelled, at London's Heathrow Airport at 7am to be greeted by our great friends Joan and Arwel, who have very kindly volunteered to drive us back down the M4 home to Swansea. Nice one, Mr and Mrs Morgan. Breakfast at Leigh Delamare services is on us (the least we can do) - and we might even stump up the £5.70 it will cost us to cross the Severn Bridge and clap eyes once again on the green green grass of home.

Having rented out our property until July 1, we are staying with Chris's mum in Sketty - and she is there to greet us and give us a warm Welsh welcome home and a 'cwtch'. Our eldest daughter Hannah (youngest Emma is in Manchester sitting her university finals) is expected any minute too, but we are told she is currently ''on a mission.''

Five minutes elapse and she arrives somewhat breathlessly at Chris's mum's front door. Cue lots of hugs, kisses and tears. We jokingly ask her: ''Where are our Wembley tickets?'' not realising that they have come out that day. Hannah, her ''mission'' accomplished, reaches into her handbag and, like a magician pulling a rabbit out of the hat, produces three tickets - one for John, Chris and herself. What a homecoming this is turning out to be. The only downside is that Emma is not here, but her exams take priority - and she will be home soon for a big reunion catch-up.

So here we are then - back in God's Country after nine months globe-trotting. We took in 10 countries, jumped on 31 flights and drove thousands and thousands of miles through and across vast swathes of mountain ranges, forests and deserts and along some of the most spectacular ocean roads on the planet.

Along the way we met old friends in Canada and America, made new ones in wild and elemental Australia, slept under the southern stars of New Zealand, fell in love with Fiji and its people, snorkelled on the Great Barrier Reef, island-hopped on Thailand's turquoise waters, rode on the back of motorbikes in Vietnam's heartland and marvelled at Cambodia's jaw-dropping ancient temples.

Our world tour has provided us with an unforgettable experience and was made possible by the kindness and patience of family and friends, so to each and every one of you thank you.

This blog was designed for us to look at when we are in our dotage (some may say we are already in it) and for those who wanted to keep in touch with us on our travels.
We would also like to dedicate it to those who helped us to make our dream come true.
Not only has the travelling been utterly memorable, but life-changing too. Magical does not begin to even do it justice. All we need now is a holiday to get over it (but, strangely, we're not getting much sympathy on that score)!

Oh, just in case you were wondering, Wembley wasn't half bad either, with the Swans winning 4-2 to become the first Welsh side to win promotion to the Premier League. Well done the lads - icing on that homecoming cake, for sure.

Next up on the blog . . . our top tour highlights and pictures. Hope you stick around to enjoy them with us.