Sunday 23 January 2011

Sanctuary Cove, Gold Coast

Wow. Arrive in Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Coast to find that Geoff and Angela - we struck up a friendship at Auckland Airport while waiting for flight to Brisbane back in November - are living at drop dead gorgeous waterfront location.
It forms part of the most exclusive 'gated community' in all Australia, according to the taxi driver who drops us right at their front door after security has waved us in. When we see their property we can only agree.
Their luxury home looks out across a broad waterway to other lovely properties and there's a top-notch golf course seconds away, with the village of Sanctuary Cove nearby. Most residents here travel two ways - by boat, or golf buggy. Both forms of transport have the edge on the car in this knockout spot.
Geoff and Angela, who once lived in Oxfordshire, have kindly invited us to their home to spend a few days with them and we receive a fabulous welcome.
Their property is something special - a stunnning one-level building, with four bedrooms, huge living area and kitchen and outdoor swimming pool. Another feature is a massive deck looking out across the water. Our bedroom is bliss - huge, with a king-size bed and walk-in wardrobe.
Get to know Geoff & Angela over dinner - a great barbie where the wine and conversation flow in equal measure. We feel we have know them for years.
Next morning Geoff takes Angela, ourselves and their friends, John and Pam, out on his speedboat/cruiser to an excellent pub/restaurant located on one of the many waterways chanelling out towards the coast.
The champers and wine is cracked (skipper Geoff stays dry as they are well strict on piloting boat under the influence!) but allows himself one cold beer after we dock right outside restaurant.
Having enjoyed a super boat trip oggling the millionaire properties on the shore, we enjoy a lovely al fresco lunch before return trip. Lots of laughs and stories, and John and Pam who, like Geoff and Angela, are genuine and fun people.
The rain kicks in big time next day, so we cancel plans for trip inland to Tamborine Mountain - a plateau region of gorges, waterfalls and walking trails - and instead spend quiet day comparing notes on our respective adventures in New Zealand.
With the rain having stopped, we decide to eat out in the village. The travel there is unorthodox - time to jump on those golf carts, John with Geoff driving, Chris with Angela at the wheel.
To get to our destination we need to go across pathways on the golf course - Geoff is a member - and we are in for a treat.
There are kangaroos everywhere, on nearly every fairway and green - and not just one or two, but 50 or 60, maybe more, in little pockets of four or five. Even better some of the mums are carrying little Joeys in their pouches.
Lots of ooohs and aaahs from us - this is our first real up close and personal sighting of the roos (and this is no zoo, the course is their natural habitat and at dawn and dusk they are out in force). We feel so privileged to have seen them like this.
After this nature high it's time for drinks at a wine bar before dinner at a Cove waterfront restaurant for oysters, mussels, prawns and steaks (ones you cook yourselves on hot stones). Delicious.
Geoff insists John drives buggy home back over golf course in the dark (the cart does have lights, honest). At least it wasn't along the M4. Welsh rugby fans will know what we are alluding to. He (John) must have done okay as there are no kangaroo carcasses to be seen on the course the next day.
Bid Geoff & Angela a fond farewell next morning - they have been wonderful hosts and friends - and they drop us at railway station for next leg of journey to Brisbane where we have another invite to stay - this time with Chris's cousin, James, his wife, also Chris, and children Kate and Fraser.

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