Monday 4 October 2010

Hello to David & Gill & boys in Scottsdale

Despite David's very fine directions to his home in Scottsdale, nr Phoenix, we manage to get lost. Time out in Oak Creek and Jerome has cost us and we arrive as dusk approaches. But dusk here is a fleeting thing. Day turns to night at drop of a hat. No matter, a quick call to David on our new American cell phone and we are quickly reunited with our friends.
David, who hails from Mumbles (and let me tell you, he was no mean rugby player in his younger day) and Gill, originally from Cumbria, have moved out West after spending several happy years living on the East Coast in New Jersey.
Two weary travellers receive a great welcome from D & G and their boys Jamie and Alex at their lovely home. A superb meal (spectacular shrimps on the barbie), on their spacious patio overlooking swimming pool, washed down with a few cold ones for the boys and a couple of glasses of white wine for girls, enjoyed by all as well as catching up with the gossip.
Early start next day sees four of us - Jamie and Alex are sensibly having a lie-in - head for walk towards McDowell Mountain. It's blistering hot - it will top 105F - but we cool off with refreshing swim in fabulous outdoor community pool that David uses as part of his new keep fit regime. (Gotta say it fella, you are looking good after heart bypass surgery - and picture above not really representative of it!!). Lots of news to catch up on and it's lazy afternoon back on the patio and in and out of D & G's pool before an evening in downtown Scottsdale.
It's a lovely quaint tree-lined town - the architect Frank Lloyd Wright established Taliesin West here in the 30s - and the area boasts 175 golf courses (David is now very proficient and will be fancying his chances at taking over from Monty as next Ryder Cup captain for sure). Spend great night at Thai restaurant (and thanks Alex for being the cabbie for evening).
Another chill out day - what else can you do in this heat. It is now 107F, a record for September here. (A second record for the Walters - rainiest day in Vancouver for 100 years and now hottest Sept day in Phoenix area). Not another day around David's pool? Life getting tough!
Local chef and friend Dylan, supported by Jamie (the next Jamie Oliver we think) and Alex, prepare steak supper for our last night all together. David and I go out first for pre-dinner drinks (where was that Strongbow you promised me! Never mind, the Stella was top-notch). Gill and Chris happy to drink a mean G&T watching the sun going down on patio. Boys (J & D, the old ones, not the young 'uns) very good and come home on time.
More fabulous food, another fabulous night, fabulous stay, lots of laughs (try keeping that towel in place, David) and a fond farewell next day to our hosts. See you in Swansea next summer. Can't rain anymore than it did in Newport on first day of Ryder Cup, can it?

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