Wednesday 6 October 2010

Tuscon and Tombstone

Goodbye to old buddies in Scottsdale and hello to new ones in Tuscon - John and Susan Price, who we met through our mutual friend Reena in Swansea. We had never clapped eyes on this lovely couple before, but when they heard we were Tuscon-bound they insisted on putting us up - and we are so glad they did. Susan hails from Nebraska originally,while John is a passionate Welshman from Blaina - describing himself as a ''radical right-wing Valleys boy.''
Now we had never encountered one of those in Wales before never mind Southern Arizona, but whether 'left-wing' or 'right-wing' - or pink or blue for that matter - one thing is for sure he is a top bloke - opening his and Susan's home to total strangers. When we left three days later it wasn't goodbye to new friends, but adios to ones we felt we had known all our lives, such was their warmth, generosity and hospitality.
Their home is something special - it sits in the heart of the Tuscon desert (both front and back gardens are wild living desert). John regularly sees coyotes and bobcats passing through his backyard (had not seen any of those in Sketty recently), while lizards are commonplace. Another visitor is the venomous rattlesnake. John & Susan's 'garden' - it is actually part of the Sonoran Desert - is also home to a Joshua Tree, giant Saguaros (a cactus that can grow up to 30ft tall) and other cacti and plants of all descriptions.
We saw no snakes during our stay, but did get to see John turn out for his local soccer team (he's the same age as me but, unlike yours, slim and fit as a fiddle). Post-match, it was back to a bar called Nevada Smith for pitchers of beer (reminded me of my days playing for Mumbles Rangers when The White Rose was our first port of call after Saturday matches) and then on for some grub.
Next day the four of us head for Tombstone - home of the Gunfight At The OK Corral where Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday shot it out with the Clantons and McLaurys back in 1881. Watch re-enactment of legendary gun battle and then it's drinks and some food at The Crystal Palace and Big Nose Kate's Saloons before stopping off on return to Tuscon at Boothill Cemetery where OK Corral victims are buried.
A real fun afternoon - Tombstone hokey for sure, but there's plenty of entertainment - and the old town, which sits not far from Mexican border, does its tourism tricks well. And it was like having our own local guide along too - such is John's knowledge of American history. He knows a thing or three about the desert too, though freely admits to missing the green, green grass of home.
Back in Tuscon it's downtown to a favourite Mexican restaurant of John & Susan's - and a memorable evening, rounded off with a game of darts (told you John was passionate about Wales) in The Dragon's Den - John's 'home from home' adorned with Welsh flags that he and his sons built from scratch in their desert garden.
Early start next day - we are heading for San Diego on Californian coast - and a fond farewell to John & Susan. We promise to keep a warm welcome for them, if not in the 'Hillsides', then on the coast when they next 'come home' to Wales.

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